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Copenhagen Towers - Carlstad Crusaders
The Crusaders are happy to welcome another Championship level program with the Copenhagen Towers in the first game for the European Championship and the opening game for the Crusaders 2014 season.
From having played both the Towers, Roosters and CC within the last years i think Crusaders are the best team
Nah, no clear starter if you look at the last few games for the national team. Philip is a better passer but Anders is a great dual threat. (imho)
Yes he has had that arm since he was 16 and then went 2 college for 2 years,and really just grow as a player Yes he is the starting qb for the national team
I think he is also the QB of the Swedish national team, if I remember well. very tall guy!
Carlstad is clearly the better team, If the towers would'nt run those toss/sweep plays so sucsessfully, the game would'nt be tight at all
well maybe you not watching the same game?..;) I agree, and yesthe offense 4 the towers is a joke
No big deal, but they stated that Carlstad was the better team and only behind because of two errors. That I don't agree with. :-)
Interesting comments from the people behind the mike. Apparently glasses are very different in Sweden and Denmark :-)
Kommentatorerna sa att de skulle försöka få fram det om det blir fler sändningar. Detta är en testsändning
Ska det egentligen finnas en extra video ruta med Scoreboard samt klocka till höger? Någon som vet?
hade han haft tid att lägga sig ner efter interception för att ge Carlstad en hail mary chans?
Hello guys, can u update on the score? thanks. I thought it was goin to start at 3 pm...gosh
ena kommentatorn saknas det mikrofon på, hör bara en amerikan med svensk brytning :)
Den inbäddade spelaren på sidan är inte aktiverad än... Skärpning SolidTango :/